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Yellowstone Evacuation Notice

Friday, October, 12th, at 1:08 PM I received a notice that Mary Greeley had uploaded a new video update of a evacuation for park attendants trapped in their dorm at Yellowstone National Park. 

Above is a chart of the time I received the notice. This time is important because it defines the moment of light of communication between the Father, and me through Mary, a soul, the Father, did in fact create in my life here on his one, and only Earth. I am also attaching my natal chart as well, and the reason for this is the planets as they transit thorough our Solar System mark aspects to my natal chart indicating the current trend of the environment my life is being influenced to spiritually, and biologically grow with. We have to reflect on the fact that every 4 minutes our environment is changing with the movement of our Earth as she travels through the Zodiac of our Solar System. 

In the charts as we observe how they interact with each other we have to take note on how the “Father” above is enlightening, and preparing our minds for higher learning in a systematic manner in our day to day evolution for his mission we are here to achieve to help sustain our walk of life on Mother Earth. When we compare the current chart of the transit with the houses, and planets of my natal chart we can see the message the Father has prepared in Mary’s devotion, her natal Jupiter, to observe his time in our light of day that he has provided for us to procreate with. 

While we stand up, and do our service for creation as the Zodiac progresses one degree every 4 minutes, it takes 2 hours for the Earth to spin through 30 degrees of the chart. When one wants to connect with the maker of this time to be a mortal service of his needs it is clearly defined when observing the transit of the key planetary aspects that influence our life. Mary’s work is empowered with her conviction to celebrate the light of day by being a humanitarian serving others with the delivery of higher learning to improve the living experience on Earth. The Father cares for all life on Mother Earth, and he will forever help those who are working to help themselves in the pursuit to improve the benefits of being alive for all things.

We can never forget that all light in this Solar System is delivered to us by our Sun above. Without his radiance that warms our life we are lost in the cold, void darkness of space. With this being stated, In the Solar System, The Sun rules parks, the colour yellow, and Saturn rules stones, Mars rules heat, Uranus rules explosions and earthquakes, and Neptune rules gases and most importantly steam. This is why we must associate Yellowstone National Park with the Sun, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune.

Chart Comparison to Define the Cosmology of Mary’s Yellowstone’s Evacuations Report as follows. 

Event A.  

In numerical observation of the notification we will take note that it was received at 1:08 P.M. In Numerology 1+8 = 9, the number 9 is ruled by Jupiter, and Sagittarius is the 9th house of the Zodiac. 

Event B.

When we look at the Ascendant, the 1st house cusp starts the horoscope with Sagittarius at 13 degrees. This rising degree is in a perfect Trine to my natal 4th house Jupiter in Leo and it is in harmony as well with a Trine with my natal Saturn in Aries, and my 11th house of hopes, dreams, and group activities. The Sagittarius ascendant of the time the notification was delivered also sits across from my Mercury, communications ruled Gemini Ascendant and 1st house. The first house is ruled naturally by Aries and Mars. The noteworthy observation is this house rules the head region of the body which includes the material, and mortal eye of the subject observing the notification. Without the subject’s eye, the brain can not observe, and process data. 


Jupiter at 24 degrees conjuncts natal Neptune at 21 degrees Scorpio, in the Virgo, service to others 6th house. Jupiter also forms a Trine aspect to the Natal Pisces Moon of 26 degrees in the Aquarius 11th house, of change - Uranus, to prepare for. Mercury rules the evacuation of the dorm which is ruled by the moon. but the building ruled Jupiter and it’s sinking - Saturn, into a heat feature would be co ruled by Mars.


Transiting Moon in Sagittarius at 4 degrees Trine Natal Sun at 2 degrees Leo in the third house, and opposing the Ascendant at 2 degrees. The Moon rules not only mortal life but also how the brain functions, and processes incoming data. The moon also rules the activity around the home. The almost exact Trine of the Moon transiting the sign Sagittarius is illuminating partnerships, and communications through the harmonious angle to the third Gemini house ruled by the planet Mercury who rules messengers. The transit  Moon is also in a Square to the natal 5th house Venus encouraging a revaluation of values and future investment. The moon rules the water and liquid and their tides on Earth. 


Transiting Saturn at 3 degrees Capricorn is found in the first house. The task maker planet is siting in harmony with natal Venus in Virgo in the fire ruled 5th house of creative investment, Leo. Saturn rules the Mountains and the depression the sinking building created. The structure reforming transit of Pluto in Capricorn sits in a perfect square to the Sun Libra. 

Event C. 

Mars at 11 degrees Aquarius opposite to Natal Jupiter in Leo in the 4th house of home. Jupiter the sign of expanding horizons and growth of knowledge is stimulating a greater consciousness of a threat to my living environment. Mars also is in a 60 degree angle with  natal Saturn in Aries ruled by the transit of Mars. 

Event D. 

Lunar north Node conjunct Natal Sun. Our Mortality is ruled by our Moon while the Sun rules our Solar Self on earth. With the opposition Mars transit of Aquarius and the 10th house of career. The action required to preserve our incarnation becomes the daily work.

Event E.

Alarmist Uranus in Taurus oppose Natal Mars, while also, forming a opposition of transiting Mercury, and Venus conjunct Natal Mars in Scorpio. The Earthquake igniter Uranus is entertaining the Solar 10th of career, and opposing the solar 4th house of home clearly enlightens the new bar of daily work needed to be more than another dinosaur rendered extinct by a super volcano. 


Below is the link to Mary Greeley’s Yellowstone Dorm Evacuation Video...

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About Us

Johnny Stewart is a life long full-spectrum multimedia artist who specializes in various genres of photography and video. His works have been on public display since he was moved into 6th-grade art in his first year of elementary school. Like most successful artists it is his devotional daily work that marks his art with emotional uplifting qualities. It is art that heals his own life, and the lives of those that are drawn to him in his pursuit to help make the earth a better place for all living things.